Our first Mural Station Of Words
The Bethelship Norwegian Methodist United Church where 4 panels by four distinguished artists, a thing of beauty made in the USA, will be installed on its tower. The Panels, 18 ft 2inches long by 2 and 2inches wide will be painted on special honeycomb aluminum that is stronger than steel and will say Peace, Love, and Unity in nine languages. It will also say, "Love your neighbor, as you love your self" in English on the lead panel.
By Lise Lorentzen
Lisa's draft for our mural of words in Norwegian and Gujarati
Xiang Draft
Here is Huang Xian's first Draft for his panel on our mural of words by four distinguished artists, in Chinese and Greek the words: peace, love and Unity. Huang Xiang is not only a master calligrapher of Chinese, he is one of the pioneers of the Chinese democracy movement and spend 12 years in Chinese prisons (two on death row) for his writings demanding democracy as a human right. Xiang has been nominated several times for the Nobel Literature Prize.
By Maria Dominquez
This is Maria's draft for our mural of words. It will change to include Hebrew. Not at all unfamiliar from her days growing up on the Lower East Side. She is one of the pioneers of the NuYoRican Art Movement.
By Lise Lorentzen
Rosemaling Expert Lise's 2nd draft for our mural of words in Norwegian & Gujarati
The Bethelship Norwegian Methodist United Church NYC Marathon 2017 ,
Look here on the tower where we will install our permanent four panel mural of words that will say peace, love, and unity in nine languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Korean, Norwegian, and Spanish, created by four distinguished artists excited about sharing their cultures to connect us all for everyone's benefit. We celebrate our elders, immigrants, and collective humanity. The lead panel will also say "love your neighbor as you love yourself."
Harry Mena, Engineer On The Sunset Park Railroad.
Shot by Joseph Borno. Jay St - Metro Tech Station March 11, 2018
Proclamation from NYS Assembly Assistant Speaker Felix Oritiz
This hard working representative has been a great help to this effort. On November 5th, of 2016 he funded our "Unity Under The Stars" event that had us viewing the stars on the lawn and art in the recreation center.
Engineers of peace, love, and unity
Maged Seif, Huang Xiang, Harry Mena, Lise Lorentzen, Maria, Dominguez.
Huang Xiang, 77
Huang Xiang is a Nobel Literature Prize nominee, a poet, performance artist, and master calligrapher. He is one of the pioneers of the Chinese democracy movement and the first artist in residence at Pittsburgh's City Of Asylum. He spent over 12 years in prison, two years of which was spent on death row, for writing about the need for democracy as a human right in China. To know his whole story is to know why it is such an honor to have him as one of our engineers on our U Train of peace, love, and unity.
Mr. Huang Xiang
Master calligrapher and Noble Literature Nominee, author and poet, a pioneer of the Chinese democracy moment.
Engineers Harry Mena & Huang Xiang
At the SIMS Recycling Center, June 11, 2016
Works by Huang Xiang
Kathy and Tommy Deriso
Two of our engineers/donors, owners and operators of Deriso Funeral home, a family business that's been in Sunset Park for three generations. We are happy to have them on board and part of this community building project.
At BethelShip Norwegian Methodist United Church. The Norwegians have long gone. The principal congregation is from Gujarat, India. The smaller one is Latino, and the Pastor is South Korean.
From Morocco to 34st
Father & Daughter
Mother's Love
On the N Train from 36th to Manhattan.
We Drive The Trucks
Sitting At The Sunset Park Library
This lady was not having it until she finally gave in but not before threatening to come after me if I did anything unethical with her picture.
Proud to be American and Irish
This great man, a vet, likes to get his pint over at the Irish Haven where he is in in charge of placing the flags.
Hard Labor
This man was emptying dirt from inside a house into this container two buckets at a time with his partner (not seen here).
Former Ballerina Now Pentecostal Preacher
De Cuba
Miss Mary has lived in Sunset Park, on the same block for 56 years. She belongs to the reading club at our library, and is an active member of our beautiful Basilica Our Lady Of Perpetual Help.
Hassidic Family
I said the reason I need to take their picture is because this is a project about our humanity and I have photographed all the other cultures in our beautiful park how would it look if I did not include jews!
"Our Fire House"
Members of the 201 fire station
Mexican Troubadour
Christening at the Basilica Our Lady Of Perpetual Help
Dominican Deli Person
Dad With His Two Sons & Nephew
Vroom! Pretending To Be A Pilot
I first asked the parents then ran ahead and got this telling moment for a pilot in the making.
Non Union Cheap Hard Labor
American With Palestinian Roots
On this night this volunteer is helping with a Greek celebration
Young Marine Recent Boot Camp Honors Grad.
Young man said "I'm happy to be an American and proud to represent my Mexican roots as a United State's Marine," At the Cathedral of St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church on 43st 4th Ave.
St. Michael's Cathedral Roman Catholic Church
Good Friday Services 2017 At St Michael's located at 43st and fourth avenue
Selling Chocolate To Make Ends Meet
36th Street 4th ave
Grand Mother
St. Michael's Roman Catholic Cathedral
This man from Mexico was at an immigrant rights meeting being held in the sanctuary.
Crossing Guard Coming Home
Bus Driver Starting Shift
Coming Home
NYC Train Conductor
Looking For A Spot
Inside our beloved Sunset Park
Mother's Helper
"I want to be an engineer when I'm older"
Homeless on the N Line
Eating Dinner At The Family Take Out
A Few Dollars And A Dream
My Wonderful Elder
Double Rainbow Over Sunset
I look out my window and I can't believe my eyes!
Engineer Mr. Arshad Anwar
UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION INC. located here in Sunset Park (5224 3rd Ave) and its president Mr. Arshad Anwar (Immigrant of Pakistan) heard about our mural of words for our first station on the Sunset Park Railroad that will say peace, love, and unity in nine languages as well as "love your neighbor as you love yourself" in English, and he has offered to install them at no cost saving us several thousands of dollars! Mr. Anwar is a true engineer on this U Train of peace, love, and unity. With help from good people like him, this train is bound for glory, Inshallah (God willing)! ALL ABOARD! SunsetParkRailroad.org
Mom Giving A Serious Finger Wagging
Does this look familiar? I know that symbol well from my own childhood days. It's the international symbol for "wait until I get you at home."
Here are brothers that care! They are a roofing company in the area that care about celebrating immigrants and our collective humanity. It did not take them long to make a serious donation. I'm grateful to have them on board. They really are engineers of peace, love, and unity.
I Can Do Anything He Can Do
Friends and Engineers
My sincere thanks to this wonderful couple, John and Mary for their generous support. We met at the theater and when I told them about this project they donated $1,000 These are engineers of peace, love, and unity.
Chinese Elder
Mother & Daughter
5th Ave. Sunset Park, Brooklyn
Father & Son
How many of your remember sharing this moment with your Dad?
Juannita and Santa Claus
Dr. Abdel Salaam
He is one of our engineers/donors. An immigrant of Egypt, devout Muslim who is dedicated to all of his patients no matter who they are or where they are from. Here at one of his Physical Therapy offices on Bay Ridge Ave (5th and 4th aves).
Take A Shave To The Train
Mohamed & His Handsome son
Here you will find at the fourth Ave Pharmacy located on the corner of 50st. Mohamed, a friend and one of our engineers/donors on the Sunset Park Railroad. He is a good neighbor, a family man that treats his clients in a professional, kind and courteous manner. We are lucky to have him come from Pakistan and work in this community.
Multiple Jesus Babies
Muslim Community Center in Sunset Park
Here you will find friends and good neighbors. In addition to the Mosque here, there is also "Muslims Giving Back" a community non profit. They too are engineers on the Sunset Park Railroad.
Perfect Brows, Indian Style
Master Serving Pupils
From Yemen
Henry McFarlan
Has lived in Sunset Park all his life, 72 years! "I'm happy to say, I've been sober for the last 40 years.
"Todo de Columbia, Y de Dios"
"George's Diner & His Daughter"
The dinner, located at 57th Street, has been there 60 years. "My Dad fought in the Korean war, and sometime after he left service we opened the family business that my brother Chris runs, and I help out."
Miriam's Flower Shop 5816 5th avenue
Miriam, Arian, and Alex (Josie MIA) Friday night at 11:30 preparing for the busiest day of the year, Mother's Day.
"Orale" is what this nice man said when I asked him to come on board our U train where we celebrate immigrants and our collective humanity. I could not ask for a better quote!
3 Generations with Dominican roots.
shot on 56 St. and 4th Ave. Brooklyn, NY
Moroccan Family (eldest wants to be a dr.).
Modana de la Republica Dominicana
"Muslim Woman"
From Uzbekistan, shot by Harry Mena
"Bible Trivia"
A little fun with Bible Trivia with Amul (Church President) and Pastor Kim at the Bethelship Norwegian Methodist United Church
O'l Time Republican At Georges Diner.
shot by Harry Mena
Brooklyn Kids not born in Yemen or Egypt
Americans Left to right: Egypt, Yemen, Egypt, Yemen
"Yemeni Family Outing"
For the Sunset Park Railroad by Harry Mena
Born In The USA
Parents immigrated from Ecuador
"Somos De Puebla Y Ahora Somos Americanos"
shot by Harry Mena for the Sunset Park Railroad.
Angels In Sunset Park
shot by Harry Mena for the Sunset Park Railroad
Grandfather born In Yemen
shot by Harry Mena for the Sunset Park Railroad
"Peurto Rican Nieghbors" shot by Harry Mena
My Neighbor, his wife, and two other friend's on her right.
Station Renovation
Men and Women on the Railroad shot by Harry Mena for the Sunset Park Railroad
Line Dancing In Sunset Park
This was one of a few groups banding together for some line dancing.
"My Muslim Sister"
shot by Harry Mena for the Sunset Park Railroad
Keeping Up With Grandma
This reminds of my own childhood holding my Mother's hand while trying to keep up
2 Quarters Ride
For generations kids could have a thrill by operating a helicopter, race-car, or even a train for two quarters.
Working On The Railroad
Renovating the 53rd Street station.
"My family helped build the Railroad"
"Herbs Grow In Sunset Park"
"Daddy Jumping With HIs Daughters"
"At The ER"
Dominican Beauty Shop
Salla, one of our engineers/donors
An immigrant from Yemen, holding on to hope he can bring his family from the war torn country. His store is located on the corner of 49st open all day every day except Sundays.
Carmen Valdivieso Hulbert
An immigrant of Peru, Resident Redhook the last 28 years in our district 38, a journalist who recently ran for NYC Council Member as a virtual unknown. She recently said, "I'm not finished."
"God & Gun"
"Marathon 2017"
Watching Me Watching A Family Watching US
Irish Haven
On the Corner of 57th street in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.
Senora Rivas from Ecuador with her to daughters and Riana
Growing Up In Brooklyn
Don Antonia, Don Jose, and Don Jose from the Dominican Republic
One day off - No MS13 Here.
"Ali from Turkey - AKA Mr. Softee"